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미얀마 광주연대 "미얀마 군부의 살인 만행" 을 규탄한다! - 성명서 전문

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광주인 / 21.04.14

Seven Hundred Citizens Died in Seventy Days.
The Myanmar Coup Forces Must Immediately Stop Atrocities of Killing!

The number of deaths has been increasing uncontrollably over the last 70 days after the coup of the Myanmar military, arousing the anger of the people around the world who are helplessly watching it. The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners of Myanmar (AAPP) confirmed 701 deaths as of the 10th of April, of which 43 children died.

The first victim was shot by the Myanmar Coup Forces in February 19, followed by 18 on February 28, 38 on March 3, 74 on March 14, 114 on March 27, and 83 on April 9. Now the number of deaths exceeds 700.

In Bago, there was a genocide-like mass killing of 82 people from the night of April 8 to the dawn of the 9th. Many witnesses vividly depicted the crime scene against humanity beyond our imagination, saying, “The Myanmar military is demanding money from the victims’ families who tried to recover the bodies of the deceased.”

The military regime should know clearly that the massacre they are committing is being documented by the citizens. The daily records of the Myanmars tragidy will be recorded to serve as evidences to bring the perpetrators to justice. The brutal massacre committed by the security forces against the people will never be forgiven.

How long will the UN and the international community simply watch the genocide in Myanmar? How many more victims should die?

The UN and the international community must take active measures to correct the current situation in Myanmar by preventing the further sacrifices and the crimes against humanity and to fulfill our humanitarian responsibilities.

The people of the Republic of Korea strongly condemn the Myanmar military coup forces and actively support the protest movement of the Myanmar people.

The Myanmar peoples voice of banging pots and pans against the military regime is awakening the conscience of Korea and the world, leading us to the international solidarity for the democratization of Myanmar.

The citizens of Gwangju will continue to work with the world community for the Myanmar people not to suffer the same way as the Gwangju citizens did.

We have a special solidarity with the Myanmar people who are resisting the military regime, and we will be one with the Myanmar people to oppose the military coup and to support the democratic uprising.

We show our utmost solidarity with the innocent children, brave reporters covering and reporting on the atrocities, medical staff treating citizens, civil servants, soldiers and police who are defying orders, as well as the young people protesting and putting their lives at risk.

We strongly believe that the resistance of the Myanmar people will democratize the country and thereby dissolve the military regime. The righteous movement of the people will eventually win out over the security forces.

While supporting the resistance movement of the Myanmar people and strongly condemning the security forces committing massacres, we demand:

● The Myanmar security forces immediately stop the atrocities, which have killed 700 citizens in the past 70 days.

● The United Nations and the international community take immediate actions to protect the people of Myanmar.

● POSCO and Korea Gas Corporation cut off relations with the Myanmar military regime.

● The Myanmar security forces step down from their positions in government.

April 14, 2021

Gwangju Alliance Against Opposing the Military Regime and with Supporting Democratization in Myanmar (Myanmar Gwangju Alliance)


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