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Myanmar, you have friends in the world!! 정태춘, 일어나라 열사여

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Myanmar, you have friends in the world Remembering the May 18th Gwangju Democratic Uprising of 1980 in South Korea. We made this video in order to support the people of Myanmar who bravely fight for their democracy against the recent military coup. We hope this video may bring your attention to the current tragedy and the international solidarity to stop killings in Myanmar. The photos in this video were taken from Internet. To the owners of copyright of the photos, we sincerely ask you to allow us to us these photos for the video. This video is public use only. With this video we send a message to the people of Myanmar that you have friends in the world who stand by you and support your uprising. Everything Will Be OK !! ♬ Let the Martyr resurrect / song & lyric by Joung Taechoon #정태춘, 일어나라 열사여 @정태춘 박은옥 정새난슬 - Production: Korean broadcasters supporting democracy and its citizens in Myanmar. - 제작: 미얀마의 민주주의와 시민들을 지지, 응원하는 한국 방송인들 - Provided by: Korea Film Journalists Association - 제공: 한국영상기자협회 http://www.tvnews.or.kr/ - Contact Us: The May 18 Memorial Foundation - 문의: 5·18기념재단, http://www.518.org/ https://www.instagram.com/518org/ https://www.facebook.com/518org ▲ 미얀마 후원 계좌: 광주은행 170-107-062542 / (재)5·18기념재단(미얀마광주연대) - 연말정산 소득공제 방법 : http://www.518.org/ ▲ 미얀마 현지 사진기자 모임 MPA(Myanmar Pressphoto Agency) - https://mmpressphotoblog.wordpress.com/ https://facebook.com/mmpressphoto/ ▲ 미얀마 군부 쿠데타 반대와 민주화 지지 활동 참여 방법 - http://www.518.org/nsub.php?PID=0201&... #SaveMyanmar #StopCoup #StandwithMyanmar #Myanmar #Gwangju #democracy #518민주화운동 #WeWantDemocracy #stopkillingus #WhatHappeningInMyanmar #미얀마 #미얀마광주연대


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