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[40th 518] Ways We Remember May – May Actions

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Ways We Remember May May Actions


It has been 40 years since the May 18 Democratic Uprising occurred. In May, 1980, the people of Gwangju fought against the state violence in order to protect human dignity and democracy. ······They embodied the ultimate community, the Daedong World, where the necessities were shared in order and solidarity even in the absence of the policing authority. During this period of ten days, ultimate morality materialized without even a single robbery occurring. They walked the talk and brought direct democracy where every one of them is the owner of society. It was an equal world where all walks of life became one without discrimination. The Daedong World is the core value and spirit of the May 18 Democratic Uprising.

From the May 18 Peopeles Uprising Commemoration Committees sailing declaration


[ May Actions Theme]

RememberMay!Together Overcome Corona·19!

Rebloom Daedong World!


2020 May Actions Special Theme Overcome Corona·19 Together


May Actions Main Theme-Ways We Remember May

We live sharing and donating.

We resist discrimination and inequality.

We support democracy and human rights in solidarity.

We oppose war and advocate world peace.

We oppose all forms of discrimination and hatred against racial and ethnic groups, gender, minority, and the weak.

We stride to keep environmental substantiality.

We work together to build a fair and just society.


[ May Actions Period ]

May 1 ~ 31, 2020


[ How and What ]

- Plan, Act, and Upload on Our Website  www.518people.org

- Any activities you can do, such as holding workshops, training&classes, lectures, historic sites tours, advocacy campaigns, and arts&culture events


[May Actions Q & A ]

1. What are May Actions?

- The year 2020 is the 40thyear since the May 18 Democratic Uprising occurred.

- We plan to create a homepage where we connect activities in solidarity that remembers the May Spirit throughout Korea and the world.


2. When do we do it?

  • It is between May 1 and 31, 2020.


    3. Who does it?

  • Anyone who wants to remember and learn about May.

  • Everyone from every corner of the world is invited.


    4. What is the theme we work on?

    - You can choose any theme in your daily life that is related to remembering and practicing the May Spirit.

    2020 May Actions Special Theme Overcome Corona·19 Together


    May Actions Main Theme- Ways We Remember May

    We live sharing and donating.

    We resist discrimination and inequality.

    We support democracy and human rights in solidarity.

    We oppose war and advocate world peace.

    We oppose all forms of discrimination and hatred against racial and ethnic groups, gender, minority, and the weak.

    We stride to keep environmental substantiality.

    We work together to build a fair and just society.


    5. How to Carry Out May Actions?

    Step 1. Planning

  • Decide whether doing it alone or doing it with others, like neighbors and/or friends.

  • Decide the theme and how to express it.


    Step 2 : Upload your plan on our website at https://www.518people.org

  • Share your action plans via our website

  • If you want to invite others to your action(s), share with us when, where, your action theme, how to, and necessary materials.

  • Upload the result(s) of your May actions done by yourself or with others to our website.

  • Once your upload is approved, it is complete and will appear on the map.

  • May Actions that connect the world we will see our hearts connected as one.



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